Tuesday, September 2, 2008

State of emergency

Seems like the protests turned nasty overnight when govt supporters laid into the anti govt crowds at govt house. One person killed and quite a lot wounded. We are apparently now under a state of emergency but no one seems to know what that means. Melissa from downstairs came up to say that they had all been told not to go into work as UN is right next to govt house. A general strike is threatened for tomorrow of all public workers. Hannah v worried that they will stop her flight to Australia on Thursday morning and is trying to change her ticket but all flights booked solid.
Sat on the balcony and wondered what to do about going to Laos. In the end decided to buy tickets anyway. Will be on the train if it goes and if not will get money back and take a bus to the beach. At the station no one seemed to know what was hapening so they were just carrying on as usual.
Everyone seems a bit tense and bad tempered, apart from those who are just enjoying the excitement. Extra security in all public buildings and at the stations. However, otherwise everything seems the same.

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